Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Slow down your breathing, until it is gentle, smooth, and soft. Let go of any tension in your body by relaxing your jaw, your shoulders, your fingertips, even your toes. Continue until you fell light, fresh, and free.

Read the following Scripture verse slowly, savoring each word:

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)

Bring to mind a time when you have felt anger, disgust, or even hatred toward another person. Bless that person by wishing her or him love, goodness, and peace.

Bring to mind a time when you have been hurt by another person. Bless the person who hurt you--and the wounds themselves--by wishing her or him love, goodness, and peace.

Bring to mind a time when you have doubted or felt despair. Bless yourself with love, goodness, and peace.

Bring to mind a time of darkness or sadness. Bless yourself with love, goodness, and peace.

Bring to mind someone who needs consoling. What kind of consolation can you give that person?

Bring to mind someone who you have difficulty understanding. Try to see the world from his or her perspective. Ask yourself, "What if he or she is right in everything and I am wrong?" This question is not meant to change your mind, but to help you develop empathy.

Close with this prayer or with one of your own: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Amen.