My favorite part of my morning routing is drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper before I start work. It serves as a mental warm-up. It sometimes serves as an emotional warm-up was well, particularly when I read John Kass.
Most of the time, I disagree with everything he says. But in today's column today, he again wades into the discussion about NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem. While I support the protests for reasons better articulated by others, I want to understand the perspective of people who are insulted by what they perceive as an act of disrespect to a nation that has given so much to so many.
In his column John Kass compares the NFL to a local diner where the servers--women named Doris and Stella--harangue the customers with their political beliefs. "All I wanted was a steak sandwich," a frustrated dad says. "Can't a man have a simple steak sandwich?"
After reading his column, I realized that watching an NFL game can be a sanctuary. For a few hours a week, people can escape the hyper-partisanship that plagues the country and simply enjoy a football game. The only controversy they want to deal with is a stupid play call by a bad coach. When players protest, they bring politics into a space that sports fans want to be free of politics.
I think I can understand that.
A sanctuary is a place where you can be free of the noise and demands of the day. It is a place where you can let silence hold you kindly and gently. Perhaps it is a literal sanctuary in a church or temple. Perhaps it is your favorite park or a patio table. Maybe your sanctuary is a chair in the corner of a room.
Spend time your sanctuary today and ground yourself in peaceful silence. Be mindful that God's presence during your sanctuary time.
“I was very glad when they said to me,
“Let us go up to the house of the Lord.”
Jerusalem, our feet are standing
inside your gates.”