The Spiritual Commute

This is a blog about my spiritual journey, which feels like I am constantly going back and forth between who I am and who I am called to be; I call it my spiritual commute. 

Slowly, I am beginning to learn that the Christ who lives in me is not found at the beginning or the end of the journey; rather, I find Christ in the commute between who I am and who I am called to be.

I hope that this blog will help you on your own spiritual commute.

About Bob Burnham, OFS

One day I told my wife as we were walking our dogs, "You know, I think I'll become Catholic."

I never would have imagined that statement would lead me to where I am today: a Secular Franciscan, a catechist at my parish, a spiritual director, and a writer.

Who knows where it will lead me in the future. I'm sure it will be an interesting journey. And like all journey's, it's better with companions. Thank you for joining me!